Daily Productive Sharing 743 - A Writing Method for Embodied Self-reflection

Daily Productive Sharing 743 - A Writing Method for Embodied Self-reflection
Photo by Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash

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Dr. Hannah Rose introduced that proprioceptive writing is a simple and free method for boosting self-awareness that combines writing and meditation to support embodied self-reflection. Proprioceptive writing can reduce rumination and supports both personal and professional growth. The method involves writing for 25 minutes with three steps:

  1. Write down what you hear.
  2. Hear what you write.
  3. Go deeper for each thought.

After the above three steps, you may ask yourself further with these questions:

  1. Which thoughts were heard but not written down?
  2. How do I feel now?
  3. What story am I telling?
  4. Do I have any direction for future proprioceptive writing sessions?

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Dr. Hannah Rose 介绍了本体写作法,它通过书写和冥想的结合,它可以提高自我意识和自我反思。本体感写作可以减轻反刍,支持你的个人成长。这是一种简单的方法,只要25分钟,有三个步骤:

  1. 写下你听到的内容。
  2. 听你写下的内容。
  3. 对每一个想法进行更深入的探索。


  1. 哪些想法听到了但没有写下来?
  2. 现在的感受如何?
  3. 我正在讲述哪个故事?
  4. 我是否有任何未来本体写作的方向?

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