Daily Productive Sharing 752 - Why is the world so fucked up?

Daily Productive Sharing 752 - Why is the world so fucked up?
Photo by George Pagan III / Unsplash

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Mark Manson shared five books about world view:

  1. Democracy for Realists by Christopher Achens and Larry Bartels
  2. The Coddling of the American Mind by Jonathan Haidt and Gregory Lukianoff
  3. Who Owns the Future? by Jaron Lanier
  4. Bowling Alone by Robert Putnam
  5. The Death of Expertise by Tom Nichols

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Mark Manson 分享了五本关于世界观的书:

  1. Democracy for Realists by Christopher Achens and Larry Bartels
  2. The Coddling of the American Mind by Jonathan Haidt and Gregory Lukianoff
  3. Who Owns the Future? by Jaron Lanier
  4. Bowling Alone by Robert Putnam
  5. The Death of Expertise by Tom Nichols

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5 Books That Explain Why It Seems the World Is So Fucked


Or as my favorite Winston Churchill quotes goes: “The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”
People regularly vote against their own interests, are ignorant of the issues, and even when they are well-informed, they are easily swayed by group identities and emotion. Yes, that includes me and you.
The best-functioning democracies are those that have large hierarchies built into them separating power from the popular vote.
The best-functioning democracies are those that have large hierarchies built into them separating power from the popular vote.