Daily Productive Sharing 769 - Only One Thing to Compete
One helpful tip per day:)
Jason Fried uses Basecamp as an example to explain a simple truth:
- Your true competitor is only one - your costs.
- Many external factors are beyond your control, but your costs are within your control.
- Despite the appearance of glamour, many companies have high costs and are actually running at a loss. On the other hand, Basecamp may seem small in scale, but it has been profitable for many years.
- The lower your costs, the fewer paying customers you need to survive, and thus the less pressure you face. Of course, having more paying customers can create a bigger buffer for your business.
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Jason Fried 以 Basecamp 为例,解释了一个很朴素的道理:
- 你真正的竞争对手只有一个,就是你的成本;
- 很多外在因素都不可控,唯独你的成本是可控的;
- 尽管很多公司看起来很光鲜,但他们的成本不低,实际上是亏本的;Basecamp 看起来规模不大,但是这么多年来一直是赢利的;
- 成本越低,存活下来需要的付费用户越少,所以生存压力越小。当然越多的付费用户可以创造越多的 buffer。
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