Daily Productive Sharing 787 - Book Recommendations by Phil Eaton
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Phil Eaton shared his reading recommendation in 2021, and more than half of them are about big names:
- My Years with General Motors - GM
- No Rules Rules - Netflix
- Working Backwards - Amazon
- The Intel Trinity - Intel
- The HP Way - HP
- Play Nice But Win - Dell
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Phil Eaton 分享了他在2021年的阅读列表。在他推荐的11本书中,一大半都是大型公司的历史:
- My Years with General Motors - 通用汽车
- No Rules Rules - Netflix
- Working Backwards - Amazon
- The Intel Trinity - Intel
- The HP Way - HP
- Play Nice But Win - Dell
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The year in books: 11 to recommend in 2021