Daily Productive Sharing 816 - Small Mindset Shifts Will Change Your Life

Daily Productive Sharing 816 - Small Mindset Shifts Will Change Your Life
Photo by Greg Johnson / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

Ryan Holiday shared 14 pieces of suggestions that changed his mind. Among them, the following pieces are especially inspiring:

  1. Everything is an opportunity for excellence.
  2. Every event has two handles
  3. The world is dyed by the color of your thoughts.
  4. There is a tax on everything.
  5. Anxiety isn’t escaped. It’s discarded.
  6. It’s the surprise that kills you.
  7. You can’t learn what you think you already know.
  8. Death isn’t in the future. It’s happening now.

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Ryan Holiday 分享了十四条改变他人生的信条,下面这些非常有启发性:

  1. 一切都是追求卓越的机会。
  2. 每件事都有两个方面。
  3. 一切都有代价。
  4. 焦虑不是用逃避来解决的,而是应该被舍弃。
  5. 让你致命的往往是意外。
  6. 你无法学习你认为自己已经知道的东西。
  7. 死亡不是未来的事,它正在发生。

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