Daily Productive Sharing 821 - Writing your job description

One helpful tip per day:)

Job descriptions are usually used by employers for hiring advertisements, but Cian Synnott writes one for himself every 6-8 months because:

  1. As a senior engineer, he adjusts his work focus around every half-year. Writing it down helps him clarify his own responsibilities.
  2. By composing his own job description, he can sync with his manager and colleagues to align his responsibilities with their expectations.

Here is a template he prepared for a self-job description:

  1. Why?
    • For me
    • For the team
  2. How?
    • Timeline
    • Things I expect to do
    • Things I will not do
  3. Other engagement
    • Success criteria

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职位描述通常是雇主在招人时打广告用的,而 Cian Synnott 每6-8个月就为自己写一个职位描述,因为:

  1. 作为资深工程师,他每半年就会调整一次工作重心,写下来可以帮助他明确自己的职责;
  2. 通过撰写自己的职位描述,可以和自己的经理以及同事同步,让自己的职责和他们的预期一致。


  1. Why?
    • For me
    • For the team
  2. How?
    • Timeline
    • Things I expect to do
    • Things I will not do
  3. Other engagement
    • Success criteria

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