Daily Productive Sharing 823 - Writing Is Thinking

Daily Productive Sharing 823 - Writing Is Thinking
Photo by Li Zhang / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

Anne-Laure Le Cunff points out that writing can help us become better people:

  1. Writing can help us consume higher-quality information.
  2. Writing can make our thinking clearer.
  3. Writing can improve our memory.
  4. Writing can make us more creative.
  5. Writing can help us form more connections.

As for the last point, we can relate it, Because we have been consistently creating Exodus by AwesomeVisa, we recently met Mavis Wang, the translator of # Inside Binance: Decoding The Borderless Crypto Empire, and it feels like a long-awaited encounter.

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Anne-Laure Le Cunff 指出,写作会帮助我们成为更好的人:

  1. 写作能帮助我们摄入更高质量的信息;
  2. 写作能让我们的思路变得更清晰;
  3. 写作能让我们的记性变得更好;
  4. 写作能让我们有更多的创造力;
  5. 写作能让我们产生更多的连结。

对于最后一点,我们也颇有感触。因为一直坚持创作 Exodus by AwesomeVisa,最近认识了 # 谁在制造币安:4000 份履历里的无国界公司 的译者 Mavis Wang,一种相见恨晚的感觉。

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