Daily Productive Sharing 831 - 12 Lessons From Being Stoic
One helpful tip per day:)
- Take the assignment.
- There is something powerful about the “daily read” format.
- The work never stops.
- Platforms are the priority.
- Give a lot of value away and capture a small percentage.
- Use your success well.
- Commitments/deadlines make you better
- Meet people where they are.
- Think about how they’re interacting with what you do.
- To everyone who hasn’t heard about you, you’re new.
- It takes time.
- Little things add up.
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Ryan Holiday 花费了七年时间在 Daily Stotic 这个项目上,他总结了自己学到的十二条经验:
- 接受一个挑战,并持续不断地为之努力;
- “每日阅读”具有某种强大的力量;
- 工作永不停歇;
- 平台非常重要;
- 提供大量的价值,从而从其中获得一小部分收益;
- 善用你的成功;
- 承诺/截止日期使你变得更好;
- 多与人们接触;
- 思考他们如何与你所做的互动;
- 对于那些没听说过你的人,你都是新的;
- 成功需要时间;
- 一切都从小事积累起来。
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