Daily Productive Sharing 836 - How to Be Less Anxious
One helpful tip per day:)
Nick Wignall believes that many methods to alleviate anxiety often backfire. In response, he proposes seven better approaches:
- Stop identifying yourself as an anxious person.
- Express your true needs and desires.
- Avoid engaging with anxiety in your thoughts.
- Confront your anxiety directly.
- Say "no" more often.
- Engage in physical activity.
- Seek the meaning behind every event or action.
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Nick Wignall 认为很多缓解焦虑的方法都适得其反,相应地,他提出了七个更好的办法:
- 停止把自己当作焦虑的人;
- 说出自己真正的诉求;
- 不要在脑海中和焦虑对话;
- 直面焦虑;
- 更频繁地说“不”;
- 多运动;
- 尝试追寻每一件事的意义。
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