Daily Productive Sharing 854 - ChatGPT has forever changed my career

One helpful tip per day:)

Danilo Campos used ChatGPT to assist coding, and this experience reminded him that his career has been changed by chatGPT:

  1. Software structure significantly impacts a project's success, affecting debugging, development velocity, and feature implementation.
  2. Developers learn critical lessons from the challenges and complexities they encounter in their projects.
  3. Tools like ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot are becoming essential in software development, offering guidance and amplifying individual capabilities.
  4. The evolution of software development technologies has far-reaching social implications and is changing the landscape of development practices.

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Danilo Campos 使用 ChatGPT 辅助自己写代码,这段经历让他觉得自己的职业被 ChatGPT 所改变:

  1. 软件结构对项目的成功产生显著影响,影响调试、开发速度和功能实现。
  2. 开发者从他们在项目中遇到的挑战和复杂性中学习。
  3. 像 ChatGPT 和 GitHub Copilot 这样的工具正在软件开发中变得必不可少,提供指导并放大个人能力。
  4. 软件开发技术的演进具有深远的社会影响。

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