Daily Productive Sharing 856 - Train Your Mindset Like Your Body

One helpful tip per day:)

Anne-Laure Le Cunff suggests that we should train our mindset just as we exercise our bodies:

  1. Our mindset, like our body, can become more stable and better equipped to handle challenges through training.
  2. Training our mindset is similar to physical exercise, where maintaining a consistent rhythm is key.
  3. There are many simple exercises that can help train our mindset, such as writing down one thing we are grateful for each day, spending a minute meditating, and so on.

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Anne-Laure Le Cunff 建议我们像锻炼身体一样锻炼我们的心态:

  1. 我们的心态和我们的身体一样,可以通过锻炼来变得更稳定,更能应对挑战;
  2. 锻炼心态和锻炼身体一样,最重要的是保持节奏;
  3. 有很多简单的练习就可以锻炼我们的心态,比如每天写下感激的一件事,花一分钟进行冥想,等等。

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