Daily Productive Sharing 860 - AI is About to Change How We Use Computers

Daily Productive Sharing 860 - AI is About to Change How We Use Computers
Photo by Ben den Engelsen / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

Bill Gates has a cautiously optimistic attitude towards agents:

  1. Agents refer to software that can interact with using human language alone, capable of accomplishing many tasks.
  2. Agents are bound to enter our daily lives in the near future, a prospect he has been anticipating for thirty years.
  3. Agents will not only change the way people use software but will also reshape the entire software development industry.
  4. Education, healthcare, entertainment, and productivity will be completely transformed by agents.
  5. Of course, agents will also bring some potential issues, such as privacy concerns, and so on.

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盖茨对于 agents 有着审慎的乐观态度:

  1. agents 是指只需要使用人类语言就能与之交互的软件,这类软件可以完成很多任务;
  2. agents 必将在不远的未来进入到我们的日常生活中,对于这,他已经憧憬了三十年;
  3. agents 不仅将改变人们使用软件的方式,更会重塑整个软件开发行业;
  4. 教育,医疗,娱乐和生产力将会被 agents 完全改变;
  5. 当然 agents 也会带来一些潜在问题,比如隐私,等等。

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