Daily Productive Sharing 865 - Second Life's Developer Experience

One helpful tip per day:)

Danilo Campos shared his development experience with Second Life and considers it the starting point of his programming career:

  1. A fundamental skill for a good programmer is learning how to learn.
  2. Second Life provided him with a world where he could create anything.
  3. The creators of Second Life were very friendly, offering various documents and guidance.
  4. Second Life opened his eyes to a different world, one filled with endless possibilities.

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Danilo Campos 分享了自己在 Second Life 的开发经验,认为这是自己编程生涯的起点:

  1. 一个好的程序员最基本的技能是学习如何学习;
  2. Second Life 为他提供了这样一个世界 -- 可以在其中创造一切;
  3. Second Life 的创建者也非常友善,提供了各种文档和指导;
  4. Second Life 让他看到了一个不同的世界,一个充满各种可能性的世界。

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