Daily Productive Sharing 876 - Boosting Self-confidence

One helpful tip per day:)

Nick Wignall introduced four skills to boost self-confidence:

  1. Shift your expectations from idealistic to realistic
  2. Shift your judgments from moral to mechanical
  3. Shift your criticism from people to actions
  4. Shift your focus from thoughts and feelings to behavior

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Nick Wignall 介绍了四个提升自信的小技巧:

  1. 将不切实际的期待转换为实际的期待;
  2. 减少道德审判;
  3. 批评时要具体到某一件事,而不是将它扩大到整个人;
  4. 将你的注意力从想法和感受转移到行动本身。

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