Daily Productive Sharing 877 - 2023 Year in Review by Anne-Laure Le Cunff
One helpful tip per day:)
Anne-Laure Le Cunff reflected on her achievements and challenges in 2023:
- Achievements: Her Nesslab subscriptions grew from 55,000 in 2022 to 90,000, thanks to her public commitment to daily content creation since 2019. She completed a draft of her first book and made smooth progress in her Ph.D.
- Challenges: She experienced significant fluctuations in her physical and emotional health. Some of her initial goals for the year, such as starting a TikTok account, were not initiated.
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Anne-Laure Le Cunff 真诚地分享了她的 2023 年回顾:
- Nesslab 的订阅数从2022年的55000涨到了9000,而这一切源于2019年时的公开约定 -- 每天都要输出;
- 写出了第一本书的草稿;
- 博士进展顺利;
- 身体情绪都有很大的波动;
- 年初设立的一些目标并没有开始实施,比如开 TikTok 账号等等。
Daily Productive Sharing 625 - 2022 year in review by Anne-Laure Le Cunff
One helpful tip per day:) Anne-Laure Le Cunff has prepared her 2022 summary: 1. struggled through depression and eventually overcame it. 2. passed her PhD opening defense. 3. in her third year of creating Ness Lab, received 55,000 subscriptions. If you enjoy today’s sharing, why not subscribe Need a
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