Daily Productive Sharing 880 - Growing Old Gratefully
One helpful tip per day:)
Suzie Headley gained a new perspective on aging after a conversation with her uncle on her 40th birthday:
- Not everyone gets to live until 40, so we should appreciate reaching this age.
- Attempts to resist aging are futile since time doesn't change for anyone.
- We can shift our view of aging, seeing it as a privilege rather than a burden.
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本期 DPS 是2023年的最后一期,临近年末,大家难免不感慨时间又过去了。
Suzie Headley 听到她叔叔祝贺她四十岁生日时,有些错愕。听到她叔叔的解释之后,就对年龄释然了:
- 不是所有人都能活到四十岁,所以我们应该庆幸自己能够活到今天;
- 所有抵御衰老的努力都是徒劳的,因为时间不会因此而改变;
- 我们可以改变看待衰老的角度,将其视为一种幸运,而不是累赘。
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