Daily Productive Sharing 882 - Lessons from A 44 Year Old

One helpful tip per day:)

Annie Macmanus shared her life insights at 44:

  1. Emphasizes the importance of putting away the phone.
  2. Writing helps in self-awareness.
  3. Advises allowing friendships to naturally evolve and change.
  4. Believes that if someone consistently fails to meet up after several attempts, it likely indicates their lack of interest in the meeting.
  5. Stresses that life is too short to keep people who make you feel bad in your life.

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Annie Macmanus 在44岁之际写下了一些人生感悟:

  1. 放下手机,放下手机,放下手机;
  2. 写作能让你对自己更清醒;
  3. 允许友情来来去去;
  4. 人们当然很忙,但是如果超过三次都无法赴约,那么说明 ta 不愿和你见面;
  5. 人生太短,所以不要让那些感觉糟糕的人存在于你的人生中。

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