Daily Productive Sharing 886 - Saying “hi” to An Unknown New Journey
One helpful tip per day:)
Yihui Xie -- A well-known statistician and contributor to the R language, was recently forced to leave his former employer. He wrote an article about his experiences before and after leaving his job, and his mindset is very impressive:
- The end of a relationship does not necessarily mean someone was right or wrong, it simply means the parties are no longer a match. This is very common, as people are constantly changing.
- He has become increasingly interested in the philosophies of "Less is More" or "Worse is Better," and has grown to appreciate the philosophies of stoicism and wabi-sabi;
- Every choice comes with a series of trade-offs, so what we need to do is find the choices that are more suitable for us;
- For him, this is not a farewell, but a welcome to the future, embracing the unknown journey ahead.
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谢益辉 -- 知名的统计学者及 R 语言贡献者,最近被迫从前东家离职。他写了篇文章介绍离职前后的情况,他的心态非常棒:
- 一段关系的结束并不意味着谁对谁错,只是双方不再匹配。这非常常见,毕竟人一直在变化。
- 他对于 Less is More 或者 Worse is Better 的哲学越来越有兴趣,也更加欣赏 stoicism 和 wabi-sabi 的哲学;
- 所有的选择都伴随着一些列的取舍,所以我们要做的是找到更适合我们的选择;
- 于他而言,这不是告别,而是迎接未来,迎接未来的未知旅程。
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