Daily Productive Sharing 887 - What's Wrong with New Year's Resolutions

Daily Productive Sharing 887 - What's Wrong with New Year's Resolutions
Photo by Lesly Derksen / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

Jack Rain points out that setting new year resolutions are not helpful from these four perspectives:

  1. If a change is important enough for you to make, you shouldn’t have to wait for January 1st to get started.
  2. Many resolutions are simply procrastination disguised as productivity.
  3. Quantifying and calendarizing everything risks turns life into nothing more than a series of habits.
  4. Making positive changes to your life shouldn’t be difficult.

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Jack Raines 从以下四个角度指出,制定新年愿望并无益处:

  1. 如果一个改变对你来说足够重要,你不需要等到1月1日才开始。
  2. 许多新年愿望只不过是伪装成有效率的拖延。
  3. 把所有事情量化和日历化,会有将生活变成一系列习惯的风险。
  4. 对自己的生活做出积极改变不应该是困难的。

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