Daily Productive Sharing 888 - Active vs. Passive Learning

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Morgan Housel provided distinct definitions for active learning and passive learning, and analyzed their pros and cons:

  1. Active learning refers to when someone tells you what to learn and how to learn, similar to the learning that takes place in schools;
  2. Passive learning refers to allowing your brain to wander freely, engaging in extensive reading, communication, and learning, and drawing knowledge from these activities.
  3. Passive learning enables us to connect knowledge from different fields, thereby sparking new ideas;
  4. Giving ourselves enough time and space for learning and communication ensures that our knowledge doesn’t remain confined to what is taught in schools.

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Morgan Housel 对于主动学习和被动学习给出了完全不同的定义,并且分析了他们的利弊:

  1. 主动学习是指别人告诉你学什么,怎么学,就像在学校里的学习;
  2. 被动学习是指你允许自己的大脑自行游走,广泛地阅读,广泛地交流,广泛地学习,从中汲取知识。
  3. 被动学习可以让我们把不同领域的知识联系起来,从而产生新的火花;
  4. 给自己足够的时间和空间学习交流,这样我们的知识就不会永远停留在学校里了。

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