Daily Productive Sharing 896 - Mapping out Career Development
One helpful tip per day:)
Cian Synnott introduced how he plans his own career development:
- Figure out what I want from life, and how work can support that;
- Use role models and writing to imagine possible futures;
- From those, map out the skills and capabilities I want to develop;
- Lean on my current work environment - or change it - to support my development.
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Cian Synnott 介绍了自己是如何规划职业发展的:
- 想清楚自己的人生究竟需要什么?然后想明白什么样的工作能够满足这些?
- 找到这些行业里的榜样,并且写下来自己想象的未来是什么样的;
- 对应上面这些,然后看看自己的技能树,哪些是欠缺的,哪些是需要提高的;
- 借助目前的工作环境,提高或者补足这些技能。
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