Daily Productive Sharing 905 - About China by Dan Wang

One helpful tip per day:)

Noah Smith interviewed Dan Wang on the topic of economy and manufacturing of the U.S. and China:

  1. Dan Wang has left Shanghai at the beginning of 2023 and returned to the United States, where he is now a visiting scholar at Yale Law School.
  2. His annual letters are like postcards sent from China.
  3. China's manufacturing industry has developed rapidly, with the notable exceptions of slow progress in the semiconductor and aviation manufacturing industries.
  4. A possible reason is that both industries require highly integrated R&D capabilities across different fields, which is not a strength of Chinese companies. Chinese companies excel in integrating manufacturing processes of mature industries, as the upstream and downstream architecture is very complete.
  5. The advantage of China's manufacturing industry lies not only in its vast labor force but also in its complete downstream, convenient logistics, and local government support.

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Noah Smith 采访了 Dan Wang,请他谈了中美经济和中美制造业:

  1. Dan Wang 已经于2023年初离开上海,回到美国,在耶鲁法学院做访问学者;
  2. 每年的年度之信就像是从中国寄出的明信片;
  3. 中国的制造业发展迅猛,唯独在半导体行业和航空制造业发展缓慢;
  4. 可能的原因是因为这两个行业都需要高度集成不同领域的研发能力,而这不是中国企业擅长的,中国企业擅长的是集成成熟行业的制造流程,因为上下游的架构都很完备;
  5. 中国制造业的优势不仅仅在于庞大的劳动力,更在于完备的下游,便捷的物流,以及当地政府的支持。
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