Daily Productive Sharing 909 - On Spending Money
One helpful tip per day:)
Morgan Housel talks some insights about money:
- There are two ways to use money. One is as a tool to live a better life. The other is as a yardstick of status to measure yourself against others.
- Money is a tool you can use. But if you’re not careful, it will use you.
- Everyone can spend money in a way that will make them happier, but there is no universal formula on how to do it.
- People don’t just spend money on things they find fun or useful. Their decisions often reflect the psychological wounds of their life experiences.
- Spending money can buy happiness, but it’s often an indirect path.
- Every dollar of savings buys a claim check on the future.
- Nothing is as desired as much as the thing you want but can’t have.
- There is no such thing as an objective level of wealth.
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Morgan Housel 谈了一些关于财富的见解:
- 使用金钱有两种方式。一种是作为工具,让生活更美好。另一种是作为衡量自己与他人地位的尺度。
- 你可以使用金钱;但如果不小心,它会反过来使用你。
- 每个人都可以以一种让自己更快乐的方式花钱,但没有通用的公式告诉你如何做到这一点。
- 人们花钱不仅仅是因为他们觉得某样东西有趣或有用。他们的决定往往反映了他们生活经验中的心理创伤。
- 花钱可以买到幸福,但这往往是间接的。
- 每一分的储蓄都买下了对未来的一份可能性。
- 没有什么比你想要却得不到的东西更令人渴望。
- 客观的财富水平并不存在。
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