Daily Productive Sharing 917 - Emergent vs. Transactional Conversations

One helpful tip per day:)

Jakob Greenfeld points out why most podcasts and business meetings are boring:

  1. This is because most of these conversations are transactional, consisting of one person playing the comedian and the other playing the straight man, with no substantial exchange taking place;
  2. The interesting part of a conversation is that it can stimulate exchanges in a low-latency, high-bandwidth manner;
  3. Many relationships deteriorate due to a lack of emergent communication, with both parties losing interest in each other. To improve relationships, create more emergent exchanges.

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Jakob Greenfeld 指出为什么大多数 podcast 和商业会议都很无聊:

  1. 这是因为这些对话大多都是流水式的,即一个逗哏,一个捧哏,没有什么实质性的交流;
  2. 对话有意思的地方就在于它能够以一种低延迟,高带宽的方式激发交流;
  3. 很多关系的恶化也是从缺少实质性交流开始,双方互相失去了兴趣。如果要想改善关系,就多多创造实质性的交流。

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