Daily Productive Sharing 921 - Effortless Productivity

Daily Productive Sharing 921 - Effortless Productivity
Photo by Travis Leery / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day 😄

  1. develop meta-awareness of your state of mind.
  2. pattern-match to identify your mind’s most common modes -- he categorized them into distracted mode, hyper-analytical mode, robotic mode, and lower-filter mode;
  3. learn to pick activities that match each mode.

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Jakob Greenfeld 分享了一个简单的提高生产力的方式:

  1. 观察自己头脑的思考模式;
  2. 将不同的模式分类,比如他分成了这几类 -- 分心模式,分析模式,机器人模式和劳累模式;
  3. 根据这些模式,分配对应的任务给自己 -- 比如在分析状态下就多用脑,在机器人模式下,就合上电脑,去干其他事。

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