Daily Productive Sharing 930 - Reversible and Irreversible Decisions

Daily Productive Sharing 930 - Reversible and Irreversible Decisions
Photo by Nicholas Bullett / Unsplash

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Jeff Bezos categorizes decisions based on whether they can be reversed, dividing them into two types:

  1. Reversible decisions mean the cost of trial and error is low, so decisions should be made quickly.
  2. Irreversible decisions mean the cost of trial and error is high, so decisions should be made slowly.
  3. For reversible decisions, the biggest problem is wasting time by not making a decision; for irreversible decisions, the biggest problem is making the wrong decision.
  4. Even for irreversible decisions, we don't need to wait until we have all the information to make a decision. If we have 70% of the information, that's enough to proceed, because having more information doesn't necessarily benefit the decision-making process.

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Jeff Bezos 根据一个决策是否能被逆转,把它们归为两类:

  1. 可逆转的决策意味着试错成本很低,应该尽快做出决策;
  2. 不可逆转的决策意味着试错成本很高,应该慢慢做出决策;
  3. 对于可逆转的决策而言,最大的问题是不做决策而浪费时间;对于不可逆转的决策而言,最大的问题是做出错误的决策;
  4. 即使对于不可逆转的决策,我们也不需要等到掌握所有信息再做决定,只要掌握了70%就可以做了,因为多出来的这部分信息并不一定对于做出决策有益。

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