Daily Productive Sharing 932 - Work, Family or Scene?
One helpful tip per day:)
Ryan Holiday points out that among work, family, and social life, you can only choose two at most. This is because:
- Life is full of various trade-offs, and the contradiction among these three lies in the allocation of time. Therefore, the essence of how to balance these three is how to manage time.
- To make trade-offs means to say no, to say no to things big and small.
- Only when you understand what to say no to, will you be able to say yes to things that truly matter.
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Ryan Holiday 指出,在工作,家庭和社交之间,你最多只能选择两样。这是因为:
- 生活充满着各种权衡,而以上三者之间的矛盾在于时间的分配,所以如何权衡这三者的本质是,如何权衡时间;
- 要做权衡,就意味着要说不,要对大大小小的事说不;
- 只有当你明白了对什么说不之后,你才会对真正有意义的事说 Yes。
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