Daily Productive Sharing 961 - Make Decisions for The Future Yourself

Daily Productive Sharing 961 - Make Decisions for The Future Yourself
Photo by KaiD / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

Jakob Greenfeld found himself always stuck in the present, yet constantly thinking about what to do in the future. Therefore, he went with the flow:

  1. He divided his daily work into two parts: deep work in the morning and power work in the afternoon.
  2. Before ending his workday, he would plan what to do for the next day's deep work and power work.
  3. The advantage of this approach is that he doesn't have to make decisions about the current work, thus avoiding the dilemma of the present. And the future him, thanks to the prior planning, doesn't need to make decisions in the moment, just get started directly.

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Jakob Greenfeld 发现自己总是困在当下,而且当下的他却总想着未来做什么,于是他顺势而为:

  1. 他把每天的工作分为两部分,早上的 deep work 和下午的 power work;
  2. 在每天结束工作前,他会规划第二天的 deep work 和 power work 做什么;
  3. 这样做的好处是,他不用为当下的工作做出决定,从而避免了当下的困境。而未来的他,因为有了事先的规划,也不需要做出当下的决策,直接着手就行。


  1. 每周一周三早上都在原先的项目上,周一早上主要回顾前一周的数据,周三早上主要准备前一周的所有财务报表;
  2. 其余三个早上在新项目上,周二早上主要回顾前一周的进度,周四和周五继续在新项目上探索;
  3. 这样做的好处是,两个项目我都能分配时间,不至于因为一个项目卡壳而耽误另一个项目。
  4. 另外一个小技巧是,我准备了一个本子,每天到办公室的第一件事是写下今天要做的事,然后做完一件划完一件。


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