Daily Productive Sharing 999 - How to Get Rich Now
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How can one become wealthy in the present day? Paul Graham, after comparing historical data, believes that the most common way is still to start a company:
- In the 1980s, wealth accumulation in the United States was primarily through inheritance, whereas today, the most common way is by starting a company.
- The cost of starting a company today is much lower than it used to be, making it easier to do so.
- Companies grow much faster today than they did in the past. Combining these factors, becoming wealthy through starting a company has become more common.
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在当下如何变得富有?Paul Graham 比较了历史数据,认为最普遍的方式还是创建公司:
- 在上世纪八十年代,美国最普遍的财富积累靠的是继承,而今天,最普遍的方式是创建公司;
- 在今天创建公司的成本要比以前小得多,所以也就更容易一些;
- 今天公司的成长速度也比以前快了很多,所以两相叠加,靠公司致富也变得更为普遍。
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