DPS 周刊 187 - 正直,勇敢,有阅读量

最近读完了 Alexei Navalny 的 Patriot 和冯骥才的《无路可逃》,尽管是两本两个不同国度不同阶段的个人经历记录,这两本书却收录了许多极其相似的荒诞经历。不禁让人感叹,历史似乎一点都没有变: 1. 面对极端政治环境中的谎言与伪善 两位作者都描述了在政治压迫或灾难性事件中,当局倾向于掩盖真相,造成社会普遍的谎言氛围: The first official reaction is invariably to lie. The health of tens of thousands of people was

Daily Productive Sharing 1190 - Ego Tax

One helpful tip per day:) What is the "ego tax"? Michael Karnjanaprakorn shares his perspective: 1. The "ego tax" is the price we pay for seeking external validation at

Daily Productive Sharing 1188 - True Independence

One helpful tip per day:) What does true independence mean? Morgan Housel shares his insights: 1. Taking the initiative to do something on your own often brings greater satisfaction than completing the same