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When should you give up? David Heinemeier Hansson reflects on their experience developing Ruby on Rails to discuss this question:
1. Equally important as persistence is knowing when
时值 DeepSeek 大放异彩之时,它背后的公司其实是一家量化基金公司幻方量化。而他的创始人梁文锋曾经视文艺复兴基金的创始人 Jim Simons 为偶像,也为他的传记 The Man Who Solved the Market 的中文版作序。
他与 Elwyn Berlekamp 的合作:
Working with Elwyn Berlekamp, a game theorist, Simons
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How should we respond to the declining global birthrate driven by technological advancement? Kevin Kelly offers his thoughts:
1. Global population will begin to decline in the coming
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1. China’s strength across multiple overlapping industries creates a compounding effect for its industrial policy efforts.
2. If you’re already strong in multiple overlapping industries, then
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Facing the chaotic return of Trump to office, Ryan Holiday asks himself what he could do for the next four years. His answer is to focus on what