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Jakob Greenfeld points out why most podcasts and business meetings are boring:
1. This is because most of these conversations are transactional, consisting of one person playing the
One helpful tip per day:)
Herbert Lui picked 50 pieces of advice given by 50 Cent, and some of them are insightful:
1. The easiest deposit you can make at work, but one
本周翻完了两本书,一本是冯克写的《毛泽东的大饥荒》,一本是 Erich Fromm 的 The Art of Loving。两本形成鲜明的对比:前者是恨的教育,后者是爱的教育
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This is Dan Wang's annual letter for 2022. Although these absurd three years have long passed, reading about them still inevitably brings sadness:
1. He immediately
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Jack Raines pointed out that Amazon was able to survive the dot-com bubble because they sold $672 million in bonds a month before the burst:
1. This cash