DPS 周刊 67 - 系统之美
系统学是一门非常美妙的学问。当我们从一个系统的角度来观察,我们不仅可以看到各个零部件本身,也可以看到他们的相互影响,以至于整个系统总体的运作。同样的,我们生活中也充满了各种系统。比如 Jack Raines 之前一直在旅行中,为了保证电子报的按期更新,他有一套自己的写作系统;为了读更多的书,Hannah Rose 建议我们自己的阅读系统,比如安排固定时间,随身携带一本书等等。当我们用热力系统的角度来观察我们的效率,那么我们就不太会再苛责自己了,毕竟一般引擎的效率只有35%,我们的生产力也不可能达到100%的效率。
系统学的入门读物里,Thinking in Systems 是一本非常易懂的书,非常推荐。
英语作为事实上的通用语言 (de facto lingua franca),在这个世界上有极大的通行度:
- 几乎所有资讯都有英文版
- 几乎去所有地方都有人能说英语
- 学习英语能让你接触到第一手资讯,不再被二手资讯污染
欢迎订阅《BWE 双周刊》 ,获得最新生产力建议!
Devon Zuegel 在学习热力学时,得知一般的引擎只能把35%的能量转换成动力,她后来发现人们的生产力也遵循类似的规律:
- 我们每天只有很小的一部分时间有真正的产出;
- 几乎所有人都是类似,而很多产出到最后又是无用功;
- 即使效率再高,人也不能长时间保持高产出,因为那样会导致 burnout;
- 你可以追求高效的生产力,但是无法达到时也不要太沮丧。
Daily Productive Sharing 566 - 35% Efficiency
One helpful tip per day:) Devon Zuegel, while studying thermodynamics, learned that the average engine can only convert 35% of its energy into power, and she later discovered that people’s productivity follows a similar pattern: 1. we have real output for only a small fraction of the day. 2. alm…
阅读更多的书似乎是很多人的目标。Hannah Rose 建议我们先尝试回答以下三个问题:
- 你的阅读目标是什么?
- 你想读什么?
- 什么阻碍了你的阅读?
- 坚持使用实体书或电子阅读器。
- 安排固定的阅读时间。
- 设计一个仪式。
- 随身携带一本书。
- 变得更投入。
Daily Productive Sharing 567 - How to make more time to read?
One helpful tip per day:) Reading more books seems to be a goal for many people, and Hannah Rose suggests that we first try to answer the following three questions. 1. What are your reading goals? 2. What would you like to read? 3. What hinders your reading? In practice,
Jack Raines 介绍了他是如何写作的:
- 当他刚开始创建 Young Money 这份电子报的时候,他并无经验,也无积累,手上只有一张去巴塞罗那的单程机票;
- 因为一直在旅行中,他没有固定的时间或者地点写作,但是他建立了一套系统来保证自己的产出;
- 他的灵感并不是凭空产生的,而是汲取各种输入而产生的。
Daily Productive Sharing 568 - How Does Jack Raines Write?
One helpful tip per day:) Jack Raines introduces how he writes: 1. when he first started Young Money, a newsletter, he had no experience, no accumulation, and only a one-way ticket to Barcelona on hand. 2. he didn’t have a fixed time or place to write because he was always
Camille Fournier 认为在职场中有一样非常重要但被人忽视的技能 -- 向别人征询建议:
- 这表明你尊重对方的意见。
- 它使他们成为你成功的伙伴。
- 它迫使你思考你真正遇到的问题。
Daily Productive Sharing 569 - Ask for Advice
One helpful tip per day:) Camille Fournier believes that there is one very important but overlooked skill in the workplace: asking for advice. 1. It shows you respect the other person’s opinion. 2. It makes them a partner in your success. 3. It forces you to think about the
David Perell 最近度过了28岁生日,他模仿 KK,写下了28条人生建议。其中有一些非常警醒:
- Drop the exclamation point and rewrite the sentence.
- Make decisions easy for busy people. You will rise fast in your career if busy people like working with you.
- Leaked emails are among the best ways to learn how business actually gets done.
- Set aside 5% of the cash you earn after taxes, and put it in a bank account called “fun money.”
Daily Productive Sharing 570 - Life Advice by David Perell
One helpful tip per day:) David Perell recently had his 28th birthday. He followed Kevin Kelly, wrote 28 pieces of life advice, some of which are alarming: 1. Drop the exclamation point and rewrite the sentence. 2. Make decisions easy for busy people. You will rise fast in your career
Daily Productive Sharing 200 - Unsolicited Advice by Kevin Kelly
One helpful tip per day:)
Daily Productive Sharing 210 - What I Leant When I Turned 35?
One helpful tip per day:)
Daily Productive Sharing 473 - More Work Than You Thought
One helpful tip per day:) (下附中文版) #mental David Perell explains why many seemingly simple works actually require more effort: 1. many seemingly simple works are the result of a lot of trade-offs made by the authors; 2. in order to make these trade-offs, the authors need to make a lot