DPS 周刊 68 - 一些浅显的道理


  1. Devon Zuegel 指出使用番茄钟需要极强的自制力,严格遵守才能获得最大效率;
  2. Jack Raines 认为到处都是机会成本,而我们的生命是最大的机会成本;
  3. Keavy McMinn 指出要在跨部门合作中成功,需要尽早和其他部门的同事沟通,了解他们的需求,听取他们的建议;
  4. 陶轩哲则介绍了 mutual knowledge,common knowledge 和  tu quoque 三种逻辑学的概念。



Devon Zuegel 分享了自己使用番茄钟提高效率的经验:

  1. 使用番茄钟需要有极强的自制力,严格遵守番茄钟的规则才能获得最大效率;
  2. 番茄钟促使她每次都在25分钟后休息,让她在下一个25分钟能更高效地工作;
  3. 如果在25分钟的区间内发现自己有超过一分钟的分神,她就直接取消这一个番茄钟;
  4. 每次休息时,她会花20秒来写下自己要做什么;
  5. 每次休息不仅能让她有机会休息,也有机会让她反思。类似于我们之前介绍的发散式学习。
Daily Productive Sharing 571 - The Essence of Pomodoro
One helpful tip per day:) Devon Zuegel shares her own experience in using the Pomodoro for efficiency. 1. using the Pomodoro requires extreme self-control, and strict adherence to the rules of the tomato clock can contribute to the maximum efficiency. 2. the Pomodoro motivates her to take a brea…

Morgan Housel 分享了他近来读到的好书。对了,他写了一本叫做 The Psychology of Money 的书。


Jack Raines 认为到处都是机会成本,而我们的生命是最大的机会成本:

  1. 不像机会,时间一旦流逝就永远流逝,不太可能再复现;
  2. 如果按照平均寿命90周岁来计算,那么我们拥有4680周,而最开始的25%和最后的25%可能都不是完全自由的,所以我们真正可以利用的时间可能就2340周;
  3. 我们经常对金钱斤斤计较,但是很少对时间有同样的态度;
  4. 生命是一系列的选择;
  5. 当你害怕尝试的失败,你却没有看到最大的失败是没有尝试。
Daily Productive Sharing 573 - The Biggest Opportunity Cost
One helpful tip per day:) Jack Raines believes that there are opportunity costs everywhere, and that our lives are the greatest opportunity cost: 1. unlike opportunities, once time has passed it has passed forever and is unlikely to recur. 2. if the average life expectancy is 90 years, then we

Keavy McMinn 分享了如何成为在跨部门合作中成功:

  1. 结果,流程和关系是工作中最重要的三个部分,缺一不可;
  2. 在机构中找到你的“赞助人”,并尽早让 ta 知道你在做什么,获得 ta 的支持;
  3. 尽早和其他部门的同事沟通,了解他们的需求,听取他们的建议。
Daily Productive Sharing 574 - Bridging the Gap
One helpful tip per day:) Keavy McMinn shares how to become successful in cross-departmental collaboration: 1. results, process and relationships are the three most important parts of the job and one cannot be without the other. 2. finding your “sponsor” in the organization and letting them know…


  1. mutual knowledge:所有人(或几乎所有人)都知道的信息。
  2. common knowledge:不仅是(几乎)每个人都知道的信息,而且是(几乎)每个人都知道别人也知道这一信息。
  3. tu quoque: 你也一样谬误。
Daily Productive Sharing 575 - Mutual and Common Knowledge
One helpful tip per day:) Terence Tao introduced three concepts in logic: 1. mutual knowledge: information that everyone (or almost everyone) knows 2. common knowledge: not only knowledge that (almost) everyone knows, but something that (almost) everyone knows that everyone else knows (and that…


Daily Productive Sharing 561 - Focused Learning and Diffused Learning
One helpful tip per day:) Shane Parrish emphasized that there are two modes of learning, a focused mode and a diffused mode. 1. we acquire new information in the focused mode and connect the dots in the diffuse mode. 2. the diffused mode does not appear to be learning, but
