DPS 周刊 74 - 输入与输出互补
- Paul Graham 认为消化知识,不仅需要我们阅读,更需要我们产出。而写作就是一种很好的产出形式;
- Herman Martinus 坚持写了三年日志,让他有足够的时间去反思;
- 类似的,初创公司需要足够的反馈来调整,而足够的反馈依赖于快速的反馈,所以 Andrew Orsich 总结了不少快速迭代的秘诀。
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Anne-Laure Le Cunff 认为不确定性会破坏我们的注意力,占用我们的工作记忆。她指出 Rumsfeld Matrix 可以帮助我们缓解不确定性带来的问题。通过这一矩阵,我们可以把确定性和不确定性划分为四类,并依此来行动:
- 已知-已知:我们已知的不确定因素,我们可以对其进行计划。
- 已知-未知:我们知道存在的不确定因素,但我们没有足够的知识来制定计划。
- 未知-未知:我们不知道的不确定因素,但我们默默地了解,这可能导致我们的决策出现偏差和假设。
- 未知-未知:是我们不知道的不确定因素。
Daily Productive Sharing 601 - How to Deal With Uncertainty?
One helpful tip per day:) Anne-Laure Le Cunff points out that uncertainty impacts our attention and affects our working memory. We can use Rumsfeld Matrix to reduce the impact of uncertainty and act accordingly: 1. Known-Knowns are uncertainties that are known to us, and that we can plan for. 2.
Paul Graham 认为植入芯片而获取知识的方式并不太可行,因为这样并不会让我们消化这些知识。消化知识,不仅需要我们阅读,更需要我们产出。而写作就是很好的一种产出形式:
- 写作不仅能帮助我们消化知识,还能帮助我们产生新的点子;
- 读不好就不会写得好,写不好就不会想得好。
Daily Productive Sharing 602 - Learning by Outputting
One helpful tip per day:) Paul Graham points out that the microchip approach to knowledge acquisition is not feasible because it does not help us to digest knowledge. Digesting knowledge requires not only that we read, but also that we output. Writing is a good form of output: 1. writing
Herman Martinus 坚持日记已经有三年了。刚开始,他只是每天写两三句话,即使这样,对他自己也有极大的帮助:
- 每天记录促使他反思自己做了什么;
- 帮助他清空大脑,让大脑有空间去思考;
- 而且写下来有助于他记住更多的东西。
Daily Productive Sharing 603 - Why I Started Journaling
One helpful tip per day:) Herman Martinus has been keeping a journal for three years now. At first, he only wrote two or three sentences a day, and even then, it immensely helped him. 1. the daily entries prompts him to reflect on what he had done. 2. it helps
Andrew Orsich 介绍了初创公司如何快速迭代的秘诀:
- 使用全自动的 CI/CD 部署流程;
- 使用 Monorepo;
- 将需要实现的功能细化,一个细化的功能最好在一两天内能够实现;
- 指定产品和工程的负责人,让他们来推进功能的实现;
- 在部署到生产前,需要做 code freeze;
- 长远来看,测试会提高生产力,但是短期内可能会拖累。
Daily Productive Sharing 604 - How to Ship Fast?
One helpful tip per day:) Andrew Orsich presents the secrets of how startups can iterate quickly: 1. using a fully automated CI/CD deployment process. 2. using Monorepo. 3. refining the features that need to be implemented, with a refinement that can ideally be implemented in a day or two.
Herman Martinus 刚刚度过自己的三十岁生日,他写下了三十条人生感悟,其中一些颇有意思:
- 关系的本质是一种投资,只有不断的投入才会有产出;
- 困难的话题才是真正有意义的话题;
- 如果你和别人一起住,最好买一台洗碗机;
- 这个世界很糟糕,这个世界可以变得更好。
Daily Productive Sharing 605 - 30 Thoughts on Turning 30
One helpful tip per day:) Herman Martinus, who just celebrated his 30th birthday, wrote down thirty life lessons, some of which are quite interesting. 1. the nature of a relationship is an investment, and only constant input will yield meaningful output; 2. difficult topics are the ones with tru…