DPS 周刊 98 - 回不去的豆瓣,回不去的故乡
前阵子频道订阅数超过 3000 时,发了一张频道背景图到豆瓣,直接导致豆瓣账号被封禁30天。最近刚解封,跑上去一看,好像除了怀念那些认识的老朋友以外, 也没有什么好遗憾的。看来算是“脱豆”成功。
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Erica Sloan 介绍了三种帮助入眠的技巧:
- 在睡前划出时间来释放担忧:将这些担忧写在纸上;
- 使用悖论式意图:为了睡着,可以保持睁眼,这样时间一长,就能睡着了;
- 练习“认知洗牌”:很多时候睡不着,是因为我们还在分析白天未能消化的事物,我们可以尝试展开联想,从而让自己停止分析。
Daily Productive Sharing 721 - How to Trick Your Mind Into Falling Asleep
One helpful tip per day:) Erica Sloan introduces three techniques to help with falling asleep: 1. Carve out time in the evening to worry: Write these concerns down on paper; 2. Use paradoxical intention: To fall asleep, you can keep your eyes open, and as time goes on, you’ll become
Phil Eaton 在2020年读完了47本书,推荐了其中八本非虚构作品和十一本小说:
- Fashionapolis: The Price of Fast Fashion and the Future of Clothes (Must read)
- Effective Python: 90 Specific Ways to Write Better Python
- The Machine that Changed the World
- Europe: The Struggle for Supremacy from 1453 to the Present
- Wind, Sand and Stars
- American Colussus: The Triumph of Capitalism, 1865-1900
- Making Common Sense of Japan
- The German Genius
- Planet of the Apes (Must read, yes even if you've seen the film)
- All Quiet on the Western Front (Must read)
- The Mouse That Roared (Must read)
- The Dead Mountaineer's Inn
- The Golem and the Jinni
- Neverwhere
- Dubliners
- Old Man's War
- The Inspector Barlach Mysteries: The Judge and His Hangman and Suspicion
- Fantômas
- Foundation
- Out of the Silent Planet
Daily Productive Sharing 722 - Book Recommendation by Phil Eaton
One helpful tip per day:) In 2020, Phil Eaton read 47 books and recommended eight non-fiction works and eleven novels: * Fashionapolis: The Price of Fast Fashion and the Future of Clothes (Must read) * Effective Python: 90 Specific Ways to Write Better Python * The Machine that Changed the Worl…
Mark Manson 指出自我觉醒和自我批判只有一线之隔:
- 我们的思想和感受中有一些特点是我们不喜欢的。
- 自我觉醒是简单地注意和承认大脑中正在发生的任何事物。
- 自我批判是对我们思维中发生的事物的判断。
Daily Productive Sharing 723 - You Are Your Enemy
One helpful tip per day:) Mark Manson pointed that there is a fine line between healthy self-awareness and (often unhealthy) self-consciousness: 1. There are certain characteristics of our thoughts and feelings that we don’t like about ourselves. 2. Self-awareness is the simple noticing and ackn…
Gergely Orosz 在 The Tech Resume Inside Out 揭示了关于 applicant tracking systems (ATSes) 的误解:
- ATSes 的主要作用是帮助招聘者追踪整个招聘流程;
- ATSes 可以解析简历内容,但不会判断简历是否匹配职位;
- 使用 ATSes 的招聘方决定简历是否匹配,而且他们并非完全信任 ATSes 的建议;
- ATSes 可以很好地解析 PDF 和 Word 文档。
Daily Productive Sharing 724 - ATS Myths Busted
One helpful tip per day:) Gergely Orosz reveals misconceptions about applicant tracking systems (ATSes) in The Tech Resume Inside Out: 1. The primary function of ATSes is to help recruiters track the entire recruitment process. 2. ATSes can parse resume content, but they do not determine if the…
Amelia Wattenberger 认为当下聊天页面并不是大语言模型最好的交互形式:
- 好的交互形式能让人立马上手,而当下的聊天页面一片空白;
- 当下的交互形式需要用户反复输入指令,并不容易;
- 当一项任务需要大量的用户输入,会让用户感到他们掌控着工具,反之亦然。
- 当一项任务无法被完全自动化,那么它的交互形式就变得非常重要了。
Daily Productive Sharing 725 - Chatbots Are Not the Future
One helpful tip per day:) Amelia Wattenberger believes that the current chat interfaces are not the best form of interaction for large language models (llm): 1. Good interaction designs should be intuitive for users to start using immediately, while the current chat interfaces are blank. 2. The…
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