Daily Productive Sharing 1135 - No Regret
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Facing death, would you have regrets? Jonathan Clements says he wouldn’t, because:
- Despite life’s ups and downs, they shape who we are and allow us to view the world from different perspectives.
- While he worried about wealth in his 20s and 30s, those concerns faded later—a fortune many people don’t have.
- If you knew you had only one or two years left to live, what changes would you make? The ability to reflect on this is a blessing in itself.
- Although Jonathan is nearing the end, it’s his friends and family who will bear the pain, especially as they face the uncertainties that follow his departure.
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濒临死亡,你会有遗憾吗?Jonathan Clements 说他没有,因为:
- 尽管生活历经波折,但这些塑造了我们,并且让我们可以用不同的角度来看待世界;
- 尽管二三十岁的时候曾为财富担心,但之后再也没有,这比很多人要幸运得多;
- 如果你知道自己只有一两年存活时间了,你会做出什么改变?如果能想清楚这些,本身也是一件幸运的事;
- 尽管 Jonathan 即将离去,但真正承受痛苦的是他的亲朋好友,特别是他们需要面对他离去后的不确定性。
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