Daily Productive Sharing 1137 - How to Face Sadness
One helpful tip per day:)
How can we deal with feelings of sadness? Beth Kurland suggests facing these emotions head-on and approaching them from different perspectives:
- Sadness is inevitable; we shouldn’t try to escape it or let it define who we are.
- Feeling sadness itself isn’t a problem—the key lies in how we handle it, which can either be helpful or harmful.
- When feeling sad, start with the "anchor perspective" by finding a safe space to fully experience your emotions.
- Approach sadness with the "child perspective," being curious about what it’s trying to tell us and how it wants us to engage with it.
- Curiosity helps us focus on our inner experiences with kindness rather than judgment, while maintaining enough distance to avoid being overwhelmed by the emotion.
- Many people think of themselves as isolated waves, forgetting that each wave is part of a vast, interconnected ocean.
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如何处理自己的悲伤情绪?Beth Kurland 建议我们正视这些情绪,可以从不同的视角来面对这些情绪:
- 悲伤在所难免,我们不要试着从这种情绪中逃避,不要因为这些情绪而定义自己;
- 感到悲伤本身并不是问题,关键在于你如何处理悲伤,这可能是有帮助的,也可能是有害的。
- 当我们感到悲伤时,可以尝试以“锚点视角”开始,寻找一个安全的空间去感受我们的情绪。
- 以“孩童视角”对悲伤怀有好奇心,可以倾听悲伤想告诉我们的内容,以及它希望我们以怎样的方式与它相处。
- 好奇心可以帮助我们以友善而非评判的态度关注内在发生的事情,并保持足够的距离,不至于被情绪完全吞没。
- 很多人往往认为自己只是孤立的一朵浪花,却忘了浪花其实是浩瀚、互联大海的一部分。
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