Daily Productive Sharing 1152 - One Thing
One helpful tip per day:)
How do you restart work after a long holiday? David Smith offers his advice:
- It doesn’t matter whether the task is big or small, as long as there’s something tangible to focus on.
- If I know I’ll need to show tangible results later, I’m more inclined to choose meaningful yet manageable tasks, especially during the early stages of returning to work.
- Inertia will help you navigate through the inevitable slumps, disappointments, and mistakes during a project, so I aim to start building momentum as soon as possible.
- From experience, I know that if I can achieve tangible progress for a few consecutive days, the rest will naturally fall into place.
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长假之后,如何重启工作?David Smith 给出了他的建议:
- 无论这件事情有多大或多小,其实都没关系,但必须有某个具体的事物;
- 如果我知道稍后需要有某些实质性的成果可以展示,我会更加倾向于选择那些既有意义又可以完成的任务,尤其是在重返工作的早期阶段;
- 惯性会帮助你度过项目过程中不可避免的低谷、失望和错误。因此,我希望尽快开始积累惯性;
- 我从经验中知道,只要能连续几天取得实质性进展,未来的发展就会自然而然地解决。
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