Daily Productive Sharing 852 - Unplanned work
One helpful tip per day:)
Julian Lehr discusses how Linear internally transforms unplanned tasks into planned work:
- Unplanned tasks will always exist; it's just a matter of when they arise.
- While unplanned tasks are inevitable, we can prepare measures to handle them in advance.
- The most crucial aspect when dealing with unplanned tasks is to convert them into executable tasks with prioritization.
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Julian Lehr 介绍了 Linear 内部如何将突发工作转换为有计划工作的实践:
- 突发工作会一直存在,只是时间早晚的问题;
- 突发工作不可避免,但是我们可以提前准备好应对措施;
- 当我们遇到突发工作的时候,最重要的是将他们转变为可执行的,有优先度的工作。
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