Daily Productive Sharing 871 - Steve Jobs’ Legacy
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Evan Armstrong, after reading Make Something Wonderful, offers a reflective analysis of Steve Jobs' legacy:
- The world is essentially a ragtag team.
- Miracles can happen when good content meets good technology.
- Jobs appeared to make wrong choices, but he consistently chose what he loved.
- Many believe they have a secure job, only to realize later it's not.
- Addressing issues you care about can be a rewarding lifestyle.
- In essence, Jobs' philosophy was about loving what you cherish, betting on yourself and creating something beautiful.
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Evan Armstrong 读完描写乔布斯的 Make Something Wonderful,认真分析了乔布斯到底留了什么给我们:
- 世界不过是由一个草台班子组成的;
- 好的内容与好的技术结合起来,可能会有奇迹产生;
- 乔布斯看起来每一步都走错了,但其实每一步他都选择做自己喜欢的事;
- 很多人以为自己找到了铁饭碗,直到很多年之后才发现并不是;
- 解决你关心的问题是一种很好的生活方式;
- 简而言之,乔布斯的生活之道就是:爱你所爱的,看好自己,创造一些美好。
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