Daily Productive Sharing 873 - Make sense of complex topics

Daily Productive Sharing 873 - Make sense of complex topics
Photo by Jigar Panchal / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

Alan Chan, in an interview with Ness Lab, shared detailed insights on developing and using Heptabase:

  1. Heptabase was inspired by Douglas Engelbart's Open Hyperdocument System (OHS). Alan wondered how Engelbart would implement this concept with modern development tools.
  2. He aimed for a product that evolves with its users, adapting to their changing needs instead of remaining static.
  3. Heptabase is built on two models: the 'Knowledge Cycle' involving exploration, collection, thinking, creating, and sharing, and a 'Multi-layer System' where each layer handles a specific task.
  4. Its whiteboard design is guided by two principles: enhanced thinking through visual representation and deeper thinking through granularization of concepts.
  5. The 'aha' moment with Heptabase comes when accumulated cards lead to more fluid thinking.

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Alan Chan 接受了 Ness Lab 的访谈,详细介绍了他们如何开发和使用 Heptabase:

  1. Heptabase 的灵感来源于 Douglas Engelbart 的 Open Hyperdocument System (OHS) 概念。Alan 反问自己,如果 Douglas Engelbart 有了现代的开发栈,会如何实现这一概念?
  2. 他希望产品能和用户一起成长,即产品会随着用户需求的变化而成长,而不是一成不变地要求用户来适应;
  3. Heptabase 基于两个思维模型:1. 知识循环,即知识的产生有五个环节 -- 探索,搜集,思考,创造和分享;2. 多层系统,即一个系统有多层,每一层负责一个任务。
  4. Heptabase 的白板设计基于两个理念:1. 当人们能看到时,他们的思考更好;2. 为了更深入地思考,人们需要将学到的概念颗粒化。
  5. 使用 Heptabase 的“啊哈”时刻在于,当你逐渐积累了很多卡片之后,你会发现思考变得越来越流畅。

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