Daily Productive Sharing 929 - Career Advice I Wish I’d Known Earlier

Daily Productive Sharing 929 - Career Advice I Wish I’d Known Earlier
Photo by David Becker / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

  1. It’s not ambition or skill that is going to set you apart but sanity.
  2. The thing that’s wrong about imposter syndrome is that for the most part no one is thinking about you at all.
  3. You have to be the driver of your own life/career/advancement.
  4. Focus on effort, not outcomes.
  5. Do what only you can do. Run a race with yourself.
  6. The true greats are measured by their coaching tree—what the people who worked for them, who they mentored, who they inspired go on to do.
  7. The best decision I ever made was taking a pay cut to write The Obstacle is The Way.
  8. If you can’t walk away, then you don’t have the job…the job has you.

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Ryan Holiday 梳理了37条职场建议,不少颇具见解:

  1. 让你脱颖而出的不是野心或技能,而是理智。
  2. 冒名顶替综合症的问题在于,大多数情况下,根本没人在意你。
  3. 你必须主导自己的生活/职业/进步。
  4. 关注努力,而非结果。
  5. 做只有你能做的事。和自己赛跑。
  6. 我做过的最好的决定是接受减薪去写 Obstacle is The Way
  7. 如果你不能拍拍手离开一份工作,那么你就没有掌控它……是这份工作掌控了你。

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