On Year One

On Year One
Photo by Ronan Furuta / Unsplash


Daily Productive Sharing just celebrated its first birthday this week. It is positioned as sustainable productivity, not extreme productivity. That's because in our previous interviews, many of interviewees have talked about how the pursuit of extreme productivity causes a lot of stress, both physically and mentally. In the long run, sustainable productivity helps us grow more. Therefore, Daily Productive Sharing shares one high-quality article each weekday, with different topics from Monday to Friday.

  • Monday: Productivity Improvement
  • Tuesday: Writing Polishing
  • Wednesday: Reading Recommendations
  • Thursday: Career Optimization
  • Friday: Long article recommendations

The content comes from a variety of quality authors, including but not limited to:

Jeff Atword

Anne-Laure Le Cunff

Camille Fournier

Paul Graham

David Perell

So far, there have been 275 updates, over 600 Ghost subscriptions, over 1900 Telegram channel subscriptions, and over 1200 Telegram group members.

During the first year, there have been surprises and setbacks, but fortunately we have kept sharing.


A year ago today, I had just left my last company and was lost and thought I had to do something about it, so I started writing articles on sspai. At first, I didn't have any success, so I set myself a small goal to write a little bit every day and see how long I could keep it up. Now, more than 300 days have passed, and this small goal has not been interrupted.

In fact, the inspiration for the newsletter came from Yifeng Ruan's Technology Enthusiast Weekly, Bay Area Daily, and the Daily Podcast Dose. The Bay Area Journal also details how to create its entire publishing system. Reading all the way down, I thought I could accomplish that too, so I started trying, and I didn't think it would last this long.


There was actually a lot of pressure to keep publishing the newsletter every day, and I knew from the beginning that it would be hard to keep writing it every day, but it was possible to keep sending it every day by.

  1. Every day when I wake up, I scan all the RSS feeds in Inoreader and put the articles that are suitable for DPS into Goodlinks, and tag them for classification.
  2. While eating breakfast, I read some articles and write the introduction, all in Obsidian.
  3. At the end of the day, if you still have energy, I read some more articles and write the introduction.
  4. At the end of each week, I schedule the five articles to be published in Ghost for the following week.

Because these are scheduled in advance, so the pressure is much less, if all the daily writing ready-made, I guess the series has long been broken.

How much?

The newsletter has received paid support from 58 users. After stripping out the Stripe fee, there is $1033 left. Using Ghost requires an annual payment of $180, leaving a net balance of $853. Based on the 270 recommendations published, the revenue per recommendation is about $3, which is barely enough to buy a cup of coffee. If you calculate that each recommendation takes half an hour, the hourly rate for creating this newsletter is almost $6, which is about the level of a housekeeping service.

If we calculate the pure economic benefits, this newsletter is a total loss so far. But when I think about it, it's worthwhile to do it for a year and bring more or less value to people. So far, there are more than 600 subscribers (mainly free) on Ghost, more than 1900 subscribers to the Telegram channel, more than 1200 subscribers to the Telegram group. This is positive feedback to me.

I migrated from Substack to Ghost a few months ago, and am using the paid Ghost Pro, which is based on subscriptions, whether paid or free. The higher the number of subscriptions, the higher the money paid to Ghost. Currently we are using a package that costs $180 per year.

So if our content is valuable to you, why not pay to support us :) Of course if you want to continue reading for free and don't like opening emails every day, you can choose to unsubscribe from emails and just follow the Telegram channel.

The power of compound interest

Although the topics are different every day from Monday to Friday, after sharing more than two hundred pieces of content, we have slowly accumulated some topics, such as

  • Deep Work
  1. Daily Productive Sharing 261 - 20210816
  2. Daily Productive Sharing 093 - 20201223
  3. Weekly Book Club 035 - 20210703
  • Time blocking
  1. Daily Productive Sharing 096 - 20201228
  2. Daily Productive Sharing 131 - 20210215
  3. Daily Productive Sharing 136 - 20210222
  4. Daily Productive Sharing 141 - 20210301

More topics have been organized in this Archive.

The future

The first anniversary is just a starting point, and in the new year we will continue to update at the same pace.

  1. We will continue to provide the same quality of sharing and try to discover more great authors.
  2. We will try to provide more value-added contents, such as Weekly Book Club.
  3. We will get more exposure through more channels, get more subscribers, and of course, hope that our readers will share more to their friends around them.
  4. We will talk to more readers to see what suggestions or needs they have.


The current annual payment of $30 is based on Substack's minimum pricing. In the new year, we will increase the price to $40. The price increase is expected to start in October, so if you want to subscribe, you can do so early and take advantage of the $30 annual subscription offer.

Daily Productive Sharing 在本周刚刚度过了一周年生日。 它的定位是可持续生产力,而不是极致生产力。这是因为在我们之前的访谈中,有不少朋友都谈到了,追求极致生产力反而造成了身心上的巨大压力。从长远来看,可持续的生产力更能帮助我们成长。因此,Daily Productive Sharing 在每个工作日分享一篇高质量的文章,周一到周五有不同的主题:

  • 周一:效率提升
  • 周二:写作打磨
  • 周三:阅读推荐
  • 周四:职业优化
  • 周五:长文推荐


Jeff Atword

Anne-Laure Le Cunff

Camille Fournier

Paul Graham

David Perell

到今天为止,一共更新了275篇。Ghost 订阅数超过600,少数派专栏订阅超过300,Telegram 频道订阅数超过1900,Telegram 群组超过 1200。感谢大家过去这一年的支持,特别是付费支持的58位朋友们!



一年多前的今天,我刚刚从上一家公司离职,迷茫的时候想着一定要做些什么,所以开始在少数派上开始写文章。一开始并无起色,于是我给自己设定一个小目标,就是每天坚持写一点,看看能坚持多久。这个每天写一点后来就变成了 Daily Productive Sharing。现在三百多天过去了,这个小目标还不曾中断。

其实做电子报的灵感源自阮一峰的科技爱好者周刊湾区日报,还有穿堂风的每日 podcast 分享。湾区日报还详细介绍了如何创建它的整个发布系统。所以一路看下来,我觉得我也可以完成这些,所以就开始了尝试,没想到还能坚持这么久。



  1. 每天起床还没完全醒的时候,把 Inoreader 里订阅的 RSS 全都扫一遍,适合发 DPS 的文章就丢进 Goodlinks,并且打好标签做好分类;
  2. 吃早饭的时候,细读一些文章,并写好导语,这些都在 Obsidian 里完成;
  3. 快下班的时候,如果还有精力摸鱼的话,就再细读一些文章,并写好导语;
  4. 每周周末把下周要发的五期文章放到 Ghost 里做好定时发布;


我们陆续使用了 Substack 和 Ghost 两个电子报平台,两者各有千秋:

Substack 专门针对电子报设计,所以它的优势也很明显:

  1. 内置了各种 banner 按钮,方便作者嵌入到电子报内;
  2. 可以设置灵活的付费促销;
  3. 详尽的用户分析报告,可以自定义各种维度的分析;
  4. 清晰的定时发布功能,设置完之后可以在索引页看到发布时间;

Ghost 是一个自定义建站平台,不少大公司都使用它发布文章,四月发布的 4.0 版本开始支持电子报:

  1. 支持自定义页面,除了发布电子报,也可以制作其他页面;
  2. 支持自定义索引页,可以根据文章标签定义新的视图;
  3. 域名尚未被“认证”,所以国内读者可以自由访问;
  4. Ghost 开源,可以自行部署;
  5. 免费加入自定义域名


本电子报历时一年,获得58位用户的付费支持。刨除 Stripe 手续费,剩 $1033,约等于6671元。使用 Ghost 需要年付 $180 ,净剩 $853,约等于 5509 元。按照发布的270篇推荐计算,每篇收益大约是20.4元,勉强购买一杯奶茶。如果按照每篇推荐需要花费半小时计算,创作这份电子报的时薪差不多是40元,约等于家政服务的水平。

如果纯粹计算经济收益的话,这份电子报到目前为止是完全亏本的。但是转念一想,做了一年也或多或少带给大家一点价值,那也就值得了。目前为止,Ghost 上订阅(主要是免费)超过600位,Telegram 频道订阅超过 1900,Telegram 小组超过 1200,少数派专栏订阅超过 300。这些数字也算是一点正向激励吧。

几个月前从 Substack 迁移到了 Ghost,目前采用付费的 Ghost Pro。这个产品的收费是按照订阅数计算的,不管是付费订阅还是免费订阅,都算是订阅数。订阅数越高,付给 Ghost 的钱也就越高。目前我们使用的套餐年付需要 $180。

所以如果我们的内容对你有价值,不如付费支持我们 :) 当然如果你希望继续免费阅读,又不喜欢每天开邮件,可以选择退订邮件,只关注 TG 频道


前几周突然收到朋友的提醒,说是微博上有个叫 Bookthing 的账号抄了我们,并洗了稿:



抄的是我们发布的 Daily Productive Sharing 252 - 20210803



抄的是 Daily Productive Sharing 251 - 20210802




  1. 深度工作
  2. Daily Productive Sharing 261 - 20210816
  3. Daily Productive Sharing 093 - 20201223
  4. Weekly Book Club 035 - 20210703
  5. time blocking
  6. Daily Productive Sharing 096 - 20201228
  7. Daily Productive Sharing 131 - 20210215
  8. Daily Productive Sharing 136 - 20210222
  9. Daily Productive Sharing 141 - 20210301

更多主题都已经整理到了这一 Archive 页面。



  1. 我们会继续提供同样质量的分享,争取发掘更多优秀的作者;
  2. 尝试提供更多增值内容,比如 Weekly Book Club海外求职指南
  3. 争取更多渠道的曝光,获得更多订阅用户,当然也希望大家多多分享给身边的朋友;
  4. 和更多的读者聊聊,看看大家有什么建议或者需求,如果你有什么建议都欢迎在 Telegram 小组留言


目前年付$30是按照 Substack 的最低定价设置的。新的一年里我们会把定价提高到 $40,折合人民币约270元,差多不每篇一块钱。比起每天一杯咖啡,每天只要一块钱就能获得优质内容,实在是很划算吧?预期的涨价会从十月开始,所以想要订阅的朋友可以尽早订阅享受年付 $30 的优惠。