DPS 周刊 182 - 与老朋友们之间的对话

这回在美西旅行,见到了很多老朋友,多是认识了十年,甚至二十年以上的老朋友,所以重新见面之后,有了很多有意思的深度对话。 1. 做个人项目时,传递价值给用户和获得别人的认同并不一定冲突:给用户产生价值是每一个 maker 的目标,同时每一个 maker 也需要别人的认可来激励自己,保持动力。有的 maker 追求给用户带去价值,有的 maker 追求让自己获得他人的认可。这两者并不矛盾,因为 maker 创造的价值并不一定是用户认可的价值,同理,maker 追求的外在认同,也不一定和用户给予的认同保持一致。所以对于 maker 最重要的并不是目标是什么,

Daily Productive Sharing 1155 - Go Deeper

One helpful tip per day:) Do you buy books in heaps but read them at a snail’s pace? David Cain suggests we focus on fully exploring what we already have: 1. The

Daily Productive Sharing 1154 - Pay for Twice

One helpful tip per day:) When we purchase an item, we actually pay twice: the first payment is monetary, and the second payment is with our time when we use it. David Cain

Daily Productive Sharing 1152 - One Thing

One helpful tip per day:) How do you restart work after a long holiday? David Smith offers his advice: 1. It doesn’t matter whether the task is big or small, as long