最近读完了 Emma Larkin 写的 Finding George Orwell in Burma,很有意思的一本书。
写了 《1984》和《动物庄园》等作品的 George Orwell 是大家熟悉的作者,但不熟悉的是,其实这只是他的笔名,其实他和缅甸有着深远的渊源。不仅仅他曾经在缅甸生活工作过,而且他的母亲的家族在缅甸扎下了深深的根。
ORWELL’S MOTHER, Ida Mabel Limouzin, grew up here in
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"Hackers and Painters" is Paul Graham's famous work, and he gave a lecture of the same name at Harvard in 2003:
1. The greatest
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Nick Maggiulli revealed an important perspective on wealth -- when to save and when to spend money is also crucial:
1. The correct sequence for accumulating wealth should
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Herman Martinus reflected on why he started keeping a journal three years ago:
1. The act of sitting down to record each day prompted him to review what
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How to better remember what you've read? Anne-Laure Le Cunff offers a simple answer -- strengthen connections. On this, she provides some specific suggestions:
1. Reading