Daily Productive Sharing 956 - Intentional Curiosity

One helpful tip per day:) Anne-Laure Le Cunff points out that distraction is inevitable because it is determined by the physiological structure of the brain, but we can consciously guide ourselves to turn

DPS 周刊 144 - 不要忘记历史,不能忘记历史

《不明白播客》第93期节目就 Netflix 版的《三体》采访了一位文革亲历者,其中最重要的观点就是,不要忘记历史,不能忘记历史。 恰好最近读的几本书都和历史有关,也都无法在中国出版: 1. 《一个人的圣经》,高行健著 2. Indelible City by Louisa Lim 3. 《武汉封城日记》,郭晶著 《一个人的圣经》是高行健以文革为背景创作的小说。整本小说以“他”展开,对于这一主人公没有具体的交代,一章讲述“他”在文革的经历,下一章就讲述“

Daily Productive Sharing 955 - Rent or Buy a House?

One helpful tip per day:) Regarding whether to buy or rent a house, Nick Maggiulli has provided a simple criterion based on your inflation expectations during the mortgage period: 1. If you believe