Daily Productive Sharing 988 - Think for Yourself

One helpful tip per day:) "How to Think for Yourself? Paul Graham believes there are three components: fastidiousness about truth, sticking to your own opinions, and curiosity. Specifically: 1. Truly valuable insights

Daily Productive Sharing 987 - 50 things I know

One helpful tip per day:) What is the greatest regret in life? Sasha Chapin said hers is not accepting apologies from others when she was young. She also shared another forty-nine life insights,

DPS 周刊 150 - 将善意传递下去

最近回母校看了看,距离上次回去已经六七年了。 其中一位老师的女儿已经博士毕业,开始博士后的旅程。时间真快,上次去拜访她的时候,她还在发愁,因为女儿想学医,而她觉得学医太苦。于是我建议可以试试 bioinfometics,这门学科当时正在高速发展,也许她女儿会感兴趣。就这么一个建议,他们后来欣然采纳。 其实回头一看,我收到过无数来自老师的善意: 当时准备出国读书的时候,上面这位老师问我学费够不够,不够的话,她可以先借我。我当然没有接受。 再往前,刚读本科的时候很迷茫,差点就想退学了,幸好遇到了一位外教,每次听她的课都很开心,还请我去她家吃饭。后来留学的时候还去拜访过她。 本科刚开始的时候,计算机课是外校的老师来上的。本身我对这课也感兴趣,于是每次课后都缠着这老师问东问西。