Daily Productive Sharing 951 - Gain or Gap

One helpful tip per day:) Benjamin Hardy reminds us not to label ourselves and not to see ourselves as unchangable: 1. People tend to solidify their self-conception, believing that their future selves will

DPS 周刊 143 -- Crossfit 教会我的

Physical 100 (体能之巅) 是 Netflix 在韩国拍摄的一档体育类综艺节目,目前刚刚播出了第二季。每一季都有100位选手参加,经历数轮艰难的淘汰战之后,最后产生冠军。不出所料,两季的冠军都是 Crossfit 选手 – 第一季的冠军 Woo Jin-yong 和第二季的冠军 Amotti。 如果说一季冠军是偶然的,那么两季都是的 Crossfit 话,还是能说明点什么的。作为练了快四年 Crossfit 的我,可以分享下我从这项运动中学到了什么: 1. 注重过程,不注重结果 -- 尽管每天的课程都是大家一起上,

Daily Productive Sharing 950 - A Project of One's Own

One helpful tip per day:) Paul Graham explained why having your own projects is so important: 1. The difference between having your own project and working for someone else is like the difference