DPS 周刊 149 - 一晃十年

我们读书的时候,因为是非常小众的专业,那一届一共只发了五个 offer,三个 MA,两个 MPhil。 报道的时候,三个 MA:一个英国人,一个丹麦人,还有一个罗马尼亚人;两个 MPhil,一个马来西亚人,一个是我。那个罗马尼亚人一问没有奖学金,当天就离开了。于是只剩我们四个人。 MA 是两个学期六门课,然后交一篇八千词的毕业论文;MPhil 是一个学期三门课,然后交一篇两万词的论文,都需要在一年内搞定。 学期过半,那个马来西亚人同时打三份工,然后拼命准备论文;我则选择放弃 MPhil,

Daily Productive Sharing 980 - Having Kids

One helpful tip per day:) What does it feel like to have children? Paul Graham shares his insights: 1. Having children made him less ambitious because he focused most of his attention on

Daily Productive Sharing 978 - Overcome Fears

One helpful tip per day:) How can one overcome inner fears? Mark Manson offers six methods, all based on the principle that human thoughts are interconnected: 1. Exposure Therapy - Gradually expose yourself

Daily Productive Sharing 977 - Lagging Indicators

One helpful tip per day:) When you experience writer's block, what does it mean? Ryan Holiday believes it is a lagging indicator — specifically, it indicates that there hasn’t been enough