DPS 周刊 141 - 划船与慢生产力

最近在划船课学到的一个道理是:把桨频降下来,可以滑得更快。 道理其实很简单,桨频过高会带来两个问题 -- 发力不充分,回桨的时候休息不够充分,这样总体效率比较低,而且容易疲惫。把桨频降下来之后,不仅发力更充分,单位效率更高,而且在回桨的时候有更多的休息时间,所以总体也不容疲惫。 仔细比较了桨频在24-26/分和桨频30以上的划船速度,同样的时间内,能划更多的距离,当然桨频降下来之后就没那么累。另外一个好处是,桨频降下来之后,我可以更充分地感知自己的动作,然后在下一桨做出及时调整。 这周读完了 Cal Newport 最新的 Slow Productivity,恰好提到了一模一样的道理。他对慢生产力的定义有三条: 1.

Daily Productive Sharing 940 - Do Anything

One helpful tip per day:) Aaron Francis summarized his secrets to staying motivated: 1. Even if something seems difficult, starting with a small part can help. 2. Once you start, you will find

Daily Productive Sharing 939

One helpful tip per day:) Paul Graham points out the most dangerous ways to waste wealth and time: 1. The most dangerous waste of wealth is not extravagance, but reckless investing; 2. The

Daily Productive Sharing 938 - The Dumber Side

One helpful tip per day:) Morgen Housel explains why a clever person may become the victim of his own ingenuity: 1. Very smart people can fool themselves with elaborate stories about why something