Daily Productive Sharing 977 - Lagging Indicators

One helpful tip per day:) When you experience writer's block, what does it mean? Ryan Holiday believes it is a lagging indicator — specifically, it indicates that there hasn’t been enough

Daily Productive Sharing 976 - The True Learning

One helpful tip per day:) What does true learning look like? While lifelong learning is a popular concept today, Andrej Karpathy believes that true learning should be like real exercise — it needs to

DPS 周刊 148 - 跑步与写作

村上春树写过一本小书《当我谈论跑步的时候谈些什么》,书名的灵感来自 Raymond Carver 的 What We Talk About When We Talk About Love。其实这本书不仅仅谈论了他的跑步,还谈论了他的写作和他的人生。总之,这是一本内容极其丰富的小书。 村上春树庆幸长跑塑造了他,塑造了他的小说。他希望能一直跑下去,和长跑一起变老。他希望自己的墓志铭是这样的:村上春树,作者(跑者),至少他从没走过。 Long-distance running (more or less,